Personalized Math Homeschooling for Your Child

AdaptedMind customizes over 300,000 K-6 math problems and videos for your child.

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AdaptedMind is the top choice for homeschoolers, parents, and schools.

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AdaptedMind costs only $9.95 / month

"This is the best educational product I've used with my kids!
It has my highest recommendation as a parent."

~ Parent, Bay Area, CA

Practice 500+ K-6
Math Skills, and print
Learn with videos
and explanations.
Track progress with
real-time reports.
Earn fun virtual
prizes and badges.

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AdaptedMind is customized to your unique child. As your
child learns, AdaptedMind learns about your child and
selects lessons, videos, and problems based on their
strengths and weaknesses.

For years, math textbooks and worksheets have been the same for every child. And you know what? It didn't work. The same learning for unique children made learning slower. AdaptedMind tackles math learning from an entirely different angle: A focus on each child's individuality. AdaptedMind is truly for your child.

Recommended by 98% of our customers. In a recent customer satisfaction survey, 98% of AdaptedMind members surveyed said they would recommend AdaptedMind to their friends, family, and colleagues. We work hard to make sure our customers are happy.

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